Dolby Atmos (R) | Music 3D
How should I prepare my individual instrument tracks for immersive mixing?
If you need more information, please feel free to download my free cheat sheet …
Attention please: mp3 files are NOT accepted!
Please bounce to wav or aif files.
Please let enough headroom for high quality and natural sounding immersive mixes. When you render your single tracks, get rid of the limiter on your master output. If you have a master-eq on the stereo bus, please leave the EQ activated.
Dithering is essential !!
Dither is a slight hiss that is added to your audio material to minimize errors when changing the bit depth.
If you want to learn more about dithering, please feel free to download my cheat sheet here.
What are the last checks before sending in your tracks?
The headphone generation is probably the most interesting socio-economic phenomenon of recent years.
There are already 34 million online audio users who use radio on the Internet via PC, laptop, WLAN radio or SmartTV.
And it is getting more and more!
Stefan Bangert AudioNova – MusicStudio
Dolby Atmos (R) | Music 3D
+33 (0)6 61 87 00 65